donderdag 19 maart 2015

bonen balletjes

english version of the recipe (bean snack balls, for about 15 balls).

- soak 150 gr. kidney beans in water over night and cook ready in an hour.
- ! preheat the oven at 180 C degrees.
- put the beans in a blender and blend them to a smooth mixture.
- cut one red union and one clove of garlic in small pieces and fry in some olive oil.
- put the beans in a bowl and add the union and garlic.
- add 2 tablespoons tomato puree, 1 teaspoon paprika powder, 1 teaspoon cumin powder, salt and pepper to taste and 40 gr. oatmeal.
- mix carefully and make little balls of the mixture. If the mixture is to dry, add some olive oil. If it is to wet, add some more oatmeal.
- put the balls on a baking try covered with bakery paper and bake ready in about 20 minutes.
- turn the balls a couple of times to they become brown around.

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