donderdag 23 oktober 2014

pompoen taart

English version of the recipe (pumpkin pie)

- preheat the oven at 180C degrees.
- grease a spring cake tin and melt 60 gr. coconut oil*.
- add 180 gr. oat flakes, 50 gr. coconut sugar*, one teaspoon cinnamon and a sniff of salt to a bowl.
- add the melted coconut oil and 200 ml rice milk and make a smooth paste.
- spread it on a even level to the cake tin and bake the crust for 10 minutes in the oven.
- in the mean time clean a butternut squash, cut into pieces and cook ready in 8 minutes.
- drain off the butternut pieces and mash together with one banana into a paste.
- add 100 gr. coconut sugar*, one teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon cinnamon and 250 ml coconut milk.
- stir until the blend is smooth and add 30 gr. bearded wheat*.
- scoop the mixture onto the crust and bake ready in 50 minutes.
- let the pie cool down before you cut it.

*available at organic food shop.

donderdag 9 oktober 2014

rijst met pompoen en kokos

English version of the recipe (rice with butternut squash and coconut)

- cook 150 gr. (unpolished/brown) rice according to the directions on the package.
- clean one butternut squash and cut in small pieces.
- clean two handful snap beans and cut them in two pieces.
- cook the butternut ready in about 15 minutes, add after 5 minutes of cooking the beans.
- fruit one union and halve of a red pepper in a pan with some olive-oil or coconut oil.
- drain off the butternut and the beans and add to the union. Stir and add 250 ml coconut milk.
- lett simmer for 10 minutes so the butternut and the milk thicken in.
- add salt to taste and as much cumin as you like.
- serve with the rice.

donderdag 2 oktober 2014

beetje trots

Mijn blogje wordt genoemd in het tijdschrift Libelle van deze week! Het staat in de rubriek "Ha, lekker weekend" en ook al is het maar een kleine vermelding en hebben ze het niet helemaal juist overgenomen (ik plaats wel recepten met gluten, maar niet met gist) ik ben er toch wel een beetje blij mee. Ik had nooit gedacht dat wat ooit begonnen is als "leren omgaan" met mijn eigen allergieën en andere misschien tips kunnen geven, ooit in een tijdschrift zou staan!

My blog is mentioned in the dutch Magazine "Libelle" this week. Even if it is a small statement and they made a mistake in the text (I do place recipes with gluten) I am still happy with it. I never thought that what once started as "dealing with" my own allergies and maybe give others some advice, would ever be mentioned in a magazine!