maandag 21 januari 2013


English version of the appelcrumble recipe:

- preheat the oven at 200C degrees.
- oil a small or middle dish with vegetable margarine*.
- peel 4 big apples and cut them in small pieces.
- mix half a tablespoon cinamon with 1 tablespoon of concentrade appeljuice* and mix with the apples.
- make a crumble dough of 60 gr vegetable margarine*, 50 gr. of brown wheatmeal, 25 gr wheat flower, 60 gr oatflakes, 3 tablespoons of concentrade appeljuice*, one sniff of salt.
- add the apples to the dish and cover it with the crumble dough
- ready in about 30 minutes and serve warm.

- nice with soya-vanilla pudding.
- this recipe is also nice if you make it with cherries or other fruits).
*available at organic food shop.

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