vrijdag 25 april 2014

rabarber aardbeien sorbet-ijs

English version of the rhubarb-strawberry sorbet ice-cream  recipe:

- wash en clean 700 gr. rhubarb, cut it in small pieces and cook with 60 ml water until the rhubarb falls apart completely.
- let the rhubarb cool of and clean in the meantime 300 gr. strawberries and mash them in a blender.
- use a spatula to mix the strawberries with the rhubarb and add 250 ml coconut milk and 4 tablespoons honey.
! freeze for at least one night, use a 1L box.
- use a warm knife to get the ice-cream out of the box and cut in 3 cm pieces add put them in a blender (not all at once!) 
- crush the ice-pieces (comes in handy if your blender has a "ice-crushing"  setting), the ice gets the consistence of sorbet ice-cream this way.

- nice with some grated chocolate!

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